

The 1st Exhibition of Cave Contemporary
Seeking for Undiscovered Regions
19th October, 2013 – 17th November, 2013


【会期】2013年10月19日(土)― 11月17日(日)火曜定休
【開場時間】11:30 ― 19:30
【会場】洞窟現代 〒252-0254神奈川県相模原市中央区下九沢61-5
【出品作家】清岡 正彦・澤田 育久・サム ストッカー・仁木 智之・松下 誠子・カリン ピサリコヴァ





 今、そんな心の開拓者であった詩人、アンリ・ミショー、トリスタン・ツァラ、オクタビオ・パスのように、心の深度へと関心をもった者たちで、「見えないもの」を視座にした場所が、此処に起動する。「見えないもの」を「見えるもの」として白日の下に拡大したアートの単系理論(アートの自己目的化)と、社会資源(アートの応用化)によって、まさにそのまま忘却され、「見えないもの」になってしまった文脈の洞窟がそこに出現するのだ。文脈の洞窟は、市場の洗礼に屈した、いや、むしろ有効活用したアンディ・ウォーホル、ジェフ・クーンズ、ダミアン・ハースト、村上隆、会田誠らのアイデアに満ちたアーティストたちの年代ごとの戦略モデル(business for art history)と、それを批判と称賛によって支えてしまう(お金が回ってしまう)観客の外に、存在する。洞窟芸術の本質とは、まさに「見えないもの」という「社会の離れ」に他ならないからだ。



Tel : 080-4344-6752
Email : email

The 1st Exhibition of Cave Contemporary
Seeking for Undiscovered Regions

【Period】19th October, 2013 – 17th November, 2013 Closed on Tuesdays
【Open Hours】11:30 – 19:30
【Site】Dokutsu Gendai (Cave Contemporary) 61-5 Shimokuzawa Chuo-ku Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa Pref.
【Artists】Masahiko Kiyooka, Ikuhisa Sawada, Sam Stocker, Tomoyuki Nikki, Seiko Matsushita, Karin Pisarikova

Do undiscovered regions truly exist in modern society?

There used to be undiscovered regions on the earth. However, there have been discoveries one after another by pioneers and these were exposed to the public by the media since we are living in an information society. Their existence which was never perceived before has been transformed into a visible presence in an instant. Even ‘used-to-be’ undiscovered regions have now been developed into tourist destinations and people have come to know of these places. They have been drawn into the masses as useful societal resources. It is similar to current trends of art.

No matter how many of these which are or are brought to light, our original expressive aspirations to such imperceptible things which are primordial powers of old religions and art, there is an eternity of quintessence for them. In one field, reasons and effectiveness dominate and people seek for convenience. At the same time, that ‘state of mind’ dispersion over which perception and understanding in which consciousness and unconsciousness crisscross, endures and continues to exist. Even in this world’s expanding ubiquitous exposure, enlightened grottos are being dug in the earth without being realized by those few spiritual pioneers. When thinking about the world thru such pioneers perspectives, it cannot be a conceived homogeneous space by means of such noticeable things. Transcendent lives and/or art works can exist in a markedly uneven environment.

Now, for those places that standpoint for individuals interested in depth of mind, just like poets such as: Henri Michaux, Tristan Tzara, and Octavio Paz whom can be literally called ‘spiritual pioneers’. Unseen things have become revealed and introduced to the public by monophyletic theory in art (autotelic) and societal resource (application of art) but in the end, they are forgotten. Those things appear here as concealed context.

These contexts exist beyond business models of art history which differ depending on whatever generation of artists; i.e. Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami & Makoto Aida support the trend of lucrative business for critics and tributes. The essence of ‘Art Cave’ is neither more nor less than obscure though even removed from society.

Poets such as Michaux, Tristan Tzara & Paz are in common with each other, seeking for outside society’s circles, a journey for a higher level of awareness to create an undiscovered region beyond the most evidentiary.

We are coming together so that we are creating ‘Art Cave’ (uniqueness of art). Meaning that we are reproducing deep sleep contentment in the mind with all our strength and all our heart and reviving the undiscovered regions of art (as dimensional space-time). The origin of art coruscates in those marginal places far away from systemized art inundated in our society today.

【Direction】Masahiko Kiyooka
【Plan Cooperation】Masahiko Kiyooka + Associates
【Product Cooperation】Repair Bank Corp.
【Admission Fee】Free
【Inquiry】Seeking Undiscovered Regions 2013 Executive Committee
Tel : 080-4344-6752
Email :email