清岡正彦アート設計事務所 : 〒252-0244神奈川県相模原市中央区田名4349
tel/fax : 042-772-3807
洞窟現代展示場 : 〒252-0254神奈川県相模原市中央区下九沢61-5
開館時間 : 企画展ごとに発表
定休日 : 企画展ごとに発表
入場料 : 企画展ごとに発表
Cave Contemporary is a site to address the relationship between our society and art. Artists themselves draw on concepts addressing modern society for the annual exhibition. We focus on the lost sight of thought amongst contradictions, problems and difficulties in society. We accumulate new realities while expressing flexible methods to promote the revolution of these circumstances.
Masahiko Kiyooka + Associates:4349 Tana Chuo-ku Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa Pref. 252-0244 Japan
Representative:Masahiko Kiyooka
tel/fax : 042-772-3807
email : info@dokutsu.net
※ Contact us for further information by email or Inquiry.
【Usage Guide】
Exhibition Site of Cave Contemporary:61-5 Shimokuzawa Chuo-ku Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa Pref. 252-0254 Japan
Open Hours:Depending on exhibitions. Announce accordingly.
Closed:Depending on exhibitions. Announce accordingly.
Admission Fee:Depending on exhibitions. Announce accordingly.